Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Name

I was born December 3, 1994 with the name Julie Elizabeth. Interestingly enough, my grandmother picked my name. My parents couldn’t think of any girl names for me. They knew Elizabeth, but couldn’t find a first name. Their next door neighbor in Kentucky, Mrs. Lukita, wanted them to name me “Petina”, like a mix between Pete and Gina. Since my parents couldn’t think of a name for me, my grandmother said, “Why don’t you name her Julie? That’s a pretty name.” My parents agreed and so that is what I’m named. If I was a boy, my name could have been either Wolfgang after Wolfgang Amadaeus Motzart, or Calvin from the comics, Calvin and Hobbes.

Julie is a French name that means “youthful, soft haired, and vivacious one” in a baby names book I randomly looked through. Elizabeth means “consecrated to God”. My first name suits me extremely well. I asked some of my friends at a tennis practice and none of them really knew what a good name would be for me. Honestly, “youthful one” really describes my personality, since (from what Jay says) I’m pretty hyper, and always happy. My middle name, not so much. I mean I was born and raised Roman Catholic, but I’m definitely not going to be a nun, and my lifestyle isn’t necessarily based around all of God’s teachings. I really do like my name though, and the nicknames aren’t so bad either. My most interesting nickname came this year from a sophomore during volleyball season. Everyone calls me Juls, and so she thought it would be funny to call me “Bling Bling”. It’s like a synonym for Jewels like a diamond or shiny rock, and it sounds pretty cool I think anyways. On Urban Dictionary, my name means “sweet downy haired girl, changeable, and often misunderstood and complex. A fearful creature as well as a highly loyal one. She will rule your affection.” Enough said, but Emily thinks my name sounds like the description of a dog….

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